Transforming Yalesites: The Inside and Out of Yale University's Drupal Service
Yale University has recently transformed the YaleSites service by upgrading the platform from Drupal 6 to 7 and providing additional features to make building a site on the University campus easier. While our first implementation of YaleSites was an incredible stretch for the University (it was the first widely available, centrally-supported CMS offering), most of the focus was on adoption and cost savings. We provided some features we thought the user community wanted – Image Galleries, Blogging, Calendar – but quickly realized there were other major issues that needed to be addressed to make it easier for non-technical faculty, students, and staff to build their websites.
The launch of Drupal 7 was a perfect opportunity to begin the process of revamping the YaleSites offering, utilizing the experience gained with Drupal 6 and improving upon the existing system to provide a platform that addressed the needs of all – even the non-technical site builders. In this session, we will talk about:
- D7 administrative interface: made it easier to manage content and administrative tasks.
- Omega base theme: 3 flexible and mobile ready Yale Templates using Omega as the base theme.
- Heavier use of Features module: to provide many of the common Content Types and Views – News listing, Rotating images, Calendar, Video listing, Photo Galleries – eliminating the need to manually build.
- D7 Profile/People listing: Faculty and Staff listings are now easier to create using the People Feature that uses CAS and prepopulates user data from LDAP when adding users.
- Improved file handling: Multiple files can be uploaded at one time, and better private file handling allows you to restrict downloading/viewing to a specific subset of users.
- Restricted access: Can create private files, or restrict access to a Content Type and/or a specific node.
- Yale-specific customizations, integrations and custom modules
- Bedework calendar
- Filelocker 2
- Github Enterprise and Jenkins for code management and deployment
- Improved infrastructure
I'll attend this session, I think it is a huge project and I'll be interested to hear the details.
As a fellow University Drupaler this session piqued my interest. We are doing a similar roll-out and would love to glean insights from the folks at Yale.
I'm interested to see how another edu is doing this.
Sounds neat (not to mention informative).