Using Drupal for Multiple Sites: Effective Strategies for Enterprise Web Platforms

How many websites is your organization running? Your main site. Program and project sites. Product sites. Community sites. Marketing sites, blogs, and event sites. There is a way to manage it all. Drupal can help you save time and money by efficiently managing your ecosystem of web properties that, like it or not, most organizations find themselves having to manage across their enterprise.

In this session, you'll learn practical how-to's and real-world case studies of using Drupal as a platform to:

  • Easily launch and manage multiple websites on a single platform
  • Instantly deploy “starter sites” that can be extended and customized over time
  • Reduce costs by re-purposing features across websites
  • Centralized security and patch management

This session is aimed at providing an overview of all of the ways that Drupal can be used to support an ecosystem of multiple websites for a single organization. We'll get into architectural approaches, but not necessarily deep into code - its a great session for those that are looking for how best to approach multiple site needs within their organization with Drupal.

Schedule info
Session Info
Business + Strategy
Experience level: 