From PHP to Drupal: A Developer's saga to tame the Drupal Learning Curve
Almost two years ago I started the journey to become a Drupal Developer. Starting with five years of PHP development experience I thought my journey might be easier than most. What I found was the exact opposite.
Learn in this session how I started to tame the learning curve and how you can avoid some of the mistakes that I have made.
- What’s the difference? Drupal was written in PHP right?:A better understanding of the differences between PHP Development and Drupal Development.
- Creating a Drupal friendly environment: What IDE's are the most Drupal friendly, Drupal specific debugging tools, etc.
- The Drupal Way: Resources and tools to help you work "The Drupal Way".
Don henry replied on Permalink
I've followed my nephews ( Mike Gensel ) career for some time and would be very interested in reading his thoughts on the process and the variances between php development and Drupal development.
svettes replied on Permalink
This sounds like a really interesting session, one I think could help grow our development talent pool!
robertDouglass replied on Permalink
Onboarding new developers is always a challenge, and anything that helps us attract more of them is good.
michfuer replied on Permalink
I think there are a lot of folks out there with a similar attitude "If I know php then learning Drupal will be a snap!" It's just easy to underestimate the sheer size of Drupal core/contrib/distros/etc. Plus the community can take a little getting used to as evidenced by Robert D's profile pic :)
CandaceChapman replied on Permalink
Mike has a unique and useful perspective to share.