From PHP to Drupal: A Developer's saga to tame the Drupal Learning Curve

Almost two years ago I started the journey to become a Drupal Developer. Starting with five years of PHP development experience I thought my journey might be easier than most. What I found was the exact opposite.
Learn in this session how I started to tame the learning curve and how you can avoid some of the mistakes that I have made.

  • What’s the difference? Drupal was written in PHP right?:A better understanding of the differences between PHP Development and Drupal Development.
  • Creating a Drupal friendly environment: What IDE's are the most Drupal friendly, Drupal specific debugging tools, etc.
  • The Drupal Way: Resources and tools to help you work "The Drupal Way".
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Coding + Development
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I've followed my nephews ( Mike Gensel ) career for some time and would be very interested in reading his thoughts on the process and the variances between php development and Drupal development.

This sounds like a really interesting session, one I think could help grow our development talent pool!

Onboarding new developers is always a challenge, and anything that helps us attract more of them is good.

I think there are a lot of folks out there with a similar attitude "If I know php then learning Drupal will be a snap!" It's just easy to underestimate the sheer size of Drupal core/contrib/distros/etc. Plus the community can take a little getting used to as evidenced by Robert D's profile pic :)