UX Spaces: A new approach to site building and front-end design for Drupal
Click here to watch UX Spaces: A new approach to site building and front-end design for Drupal.
Drupal gives us a range of powerful tools for structuring and presenting content, but relying on these can produce bland, list-driven websites. How do you structure a site to get the benefits of Drupal's content-first tools, while still producing a first-class user experience?
This session introduces an approach to planning Drupal site build's called "User Experience Spaces". This methodology is based on techniques from user centered design, marketing and consumer research, and content-first development principles. This approach has been evolved over seven years of Drupal projects, and can be followed by anyone with a basic knowledge of Drupal.
This session is based on that originally presented at DrupalCon Sydney, but has been adapted and extended for a new audience.
team zesiou will be present...
Hi Christopher, great session, thank you for presenting again! I'm hoping to share this session with other team members but I was wondering if the actual slides used in your video presentation are available anywhere for download or viewing? Video is awesome but there are some valuable resources listed in your slides shown in a smaller font that I'm unable to read via the video:( Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Found it! For any other folks who might be looking for the slides to Christopher's session, you can find them here: https://speakerdeck.com/xtfer/ux-spaces-for-drupal-drupalcon-portland
Thanks for sharing the editing session. It's absolutely helpful on my end for my current design.