Organic Groups \\ Message
Click here to watch Organic Groups \\ Message.
Learn about the new capabilities of OG 2.x :
* Multiple group-audience fields
* Fine-grained roles and permissions
* New Integration with Views & VBO
* Exciting new secrets about EntityFieldQuery and OG!
In this session you will also learn about the Message stack (a replacement for Messaging & Notifications) and how it can be used to send notifications in a scalable way.
I'd love to see that one because Amitai's sessions are always interesting and fun ^^
Bring on the Message session! But most importantly, let's have some more stand-up from Amitai. Costumes, please.
It's not a DrupalCon without an "Amitai" session.
Always loads of fun.
On a serious note, we'll definitely want to get more people aware of Message.
It has slowly become a must have on every site I build.
If you like Amitai's presentations, check out this alternate video which captures him and not just the slides: