Proposed Sessions

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Sessionsort ascending Speaker(s) Experience level Track
Shiny Drupal Commerce - Making The Admin UX Rock dudenhofer How can Drupal distributions leverage Drupal's Admin UI to meet their specialized needs?Learn about the challenges and solutions to the administration interfaces of Commerce Kickstart 2.x that lead... Intermediate User Experience (UX)
Sharpening the Axe dustinjcooper A wise man once said "If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend 6 sharpening my axe." Preparation and planning are integral to successful design. Taking the time to define the problem, frame... Beginner User Experience (UX)
Setting up Drupal as an OData provider on Windows Azure brianbenz In this session we’ll take you through the steps to set up Drupal on Windows Azure as an OData provider, and show you examples of working with OData on a live example. As you’ll see, this is a great... Beginner Site Building
Session Title beejeebus Description Intermediate DevOps
Semantic Site Building Jody Lynn The usability of a CMS for its administrators and editors is closely tied to the semantic sense of the site build. Likewise, the maintainability (including ease of upgrade and feature addition) is... Intermediate Site Building
Selling Development: From Yes to Done agentrickard Successful projects establish long-term relationships between client and consultant. The foundation for that success begins with your sales process and how you frame the work to be done. Setting... Beginner Business + Strategy
Selenium + Jenkins for configuration management TwoMice Staging configuration changes in Drupal is a big challenge in many development workflows, where a site is developed and deployed across several staged environments. Code changes, of course, are... Intermediate Coding + Development
Security Secrets of Drupal nrambeck OK, so they aren't actually secrets, but they might as well be if you don't understand the security layer that Drupal provides. This session will cover most of the security features at the... Intermediate Coding + Development
Secure Drupal Code: Vulnerabilities, APIs & Automated Tools coltrane Despite a strong API and best-practices for writing secure code, developers and site-builders make mistakes and introduce vulnerabilities on the web. Your site is at risk to attack and handling an... Intermediate Coding + Development Drupal Development Sheldon Rampton, scor was created to provide “a collection of schemas ... that webmasters can use to markup their pages in ways recognized by major search providers.” It is part of a broader effort to develop... Intermediate Coding + Development
Scalability and high-performance: Lessons learned from hosting the largest Drupal sites on Acquia Cloud ricardoamaro The world of Drupal grows faster in each passing day! Large companies, especially in media, entertainment and services, seek for solutions on rapid and reliable development for the web. There... Intermediate DevOps
Sales Engineers, Your Not So Secret Weapon rickvug At Acquia we sell to some of the largest and most complex organizations in the world. A key part of our sales organization is our presales engineering team: a SWAT team of Drupal engineers who also... Beginner Business + Strategy
Running a Website - Patterns for Business Owners bshort You have invested time, effort, and money into a new website. The new site has been delivered, and you find yourself still left with a laundry list of tasks that you probably did not even consider.... Beginner Business + Strategy
Reverse caching proxies: Varnish or Nginx? ThijsFeryn In a world full of scalability challenges, a reverse caching proxy has become an essential tool to protect your backend servers. This talk is dedicated to that and compares Varnish to Nginx as the 2... Intermediate DevOps
Rethinking render(); The Future of Drupal Theming. c4rl While training some newcomers to Drupal theming in 2011, I came across a big, big problem in Drupal: Theming is hard. Really hard. And even harder to teach. How did it get this way? Up through... Advanced Coding + Development
Rethinking render() c4rl ### Problem: Drupal theming in D7 is a hodgepodge of too many APIs. See this helpful diagram for more information (image by John Wilkins). We outlined how Twig solves a great deal of these... Advanced Core Conversations
Results Oriented Web – The Secrets Online Leaders Use to Build Highly Effective Websites TomDude48 The web is redefining human interaction, markets and brands. Powerful new hubs of influence are continually emerging. The opportunities for David to topple Goliath has never been greater – and may... Beginner Business + Strategy
Results Oriented Agile: How to Get More of the Right Results, Sooner and with Less Risk. TomDude48 Drupal gives you a huge tool box to deliver features. As Drupal accelerates the website development cycle, the question changes from “How do we build sites?” to “What should we build?” This session... Beginner Business + Strategy
REST Best Practices caseysoftware Stateless.. Nouns... Intermediate Coding + Development
Responsive Web Design: Choose Your Own Adventure! gregnoack, elizabet_, Have you ever wondered, "What is Responsive Web Design (RWD)?" Does it seem to you that it is a fancy new toy that will phase out and isn’t worth the money? Or perhaps you want your Business Strategy... Beginner Business + Strategy
