Proposed Sessions

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Reinvent Yourself! How a rebrand can revitalize more than just your logo. mcaccavano What's in a name? Or a logo? Well, as it turns out, a lot. In the past year, our team has been part of a merger, and subsequently, a complete brand overhaul for our newly merged company. On the... Intermediate Business + Strategy
Reinventing the Proposal schiavone Nobody likes proposals. Web companies hate them because they make commitments before all the information has been gathered. Customers don't like them because they're short on details and contain a... Beginner Business + Strategy
Relaunching The New Republic with Drupal 7 xmattus, joshk, netaustin The New Republic launched their new Drupal 7 site on January 28th, 2013 with an exclusive interview of President Obama, and was featured in the New York Times, Huffington Post, and ABC News and... Intermediate Coding + Development
Relentless Preparation, Ruthless Benchmarking, and Performing Live Surgery: A Brief History of Wondrous Launches sukottokun Before you pull the switch and change the nameservers, there are three time-tested methods to determine how your site will perform: throwing chicken bones, reading sheep livers, or donning a beret... Intermediate Coding + Development
Reloading Rules UX with fluxkraft! fago The Rules module gives superpowers to site-builders by enabling them to define conditionally executed actions based on any occurring event. However, with its current user interface common tasks are... Intermediate User Experience (UX)
Removing Silos - Collaboration in a distributed workplace. theMusician, _vid General Description Removing Silos is about creating a collaborative environment for team members or colleagues that you work with. The silos occur when not all team members work in the same place... Intermediate Business + Strategy
Requirements, Technical Specifications, & Drupal: Planning for Successful Projects rj, jonriekse When embarking on a development project of any scale, communication and documented requirements are vital to success. The goal of requirements documentation is to clearly communicate what will be... Intermediate Business + Strategy
Responding to touch LewisNyman The popularity and diversity of mobile devices forced us to create sites that work at any screen size. Big, small, and everywhere inbetween. But making a site mobile friendly is more than just... Beginner Frontend
Responsive Design for Print Publications webwags On most sites, the annual report is just PDF version of the print piece. You know you need it on your site but it’s so ho-hum boring that hardly anybody ever downloads it. And if someone did click on... Intermediate User Experience (UX)
Responsive Design with Drupal chaz.chumley We have all heard the buzzword "Responsive Design". There are countless examples of Responsive websites and you may have even dabbled in creating Responsive elements of a website. But starting with... Beginner Frontend
Responsive HTML email and Drupal dgorton This session will cover the case-study of an organization's weekly e-newsletter template re-design, the steps taken to optimize it for mobile, and the testing it took to ensure it looks good across a... Intermediate Coding + Development
Responsive Web Design with Sass+Compass Snugug Mobile matters. There are more than 4x the number mobile devices activated each day than there are babies born and the question of how to effectively deliver your content to everyone, regardless of... Advanced Frontend
Responsive Web Design: Choose Your Own Adventure! gregnoack, elizabet_, Have you ever wondered, "What is Responsive Web Design (RWD)?" Does it seem to you that it is a fancy new toy that will phase out and isn’t worth the money? Or perhaps you want your Business Strategy... Beginner Business + Strategy
REST Best Practices caseysoftware Stateless.. Nouns... Intermediate Coding + Development
Results Oriented Agile: How to Get More of the Right Results, Sooner and with Less Risk. TomDude48 Drupal gives you a huge tool box to deliver features. As Drupal accelerates the website development cycle, the question changes from “How do we build sites?” to “What should we build?” This session... Beginner Business + Strategy
Results Oriented Web – The Secrets Online Leaders Use to Build Highly Effective Websites TomDude48 The web is redefining human interaction, markets and brands. Powerful new hubs of influence are continually emerging. The opportunities for David to topple Goliath has never been greater – and may... Beginner Business + Strategy
Rethinking render() c4rl ### Problem: Drupal theming in D7 is a hodgepodge of too many APIs. See this helpful diagram for more information (image by John Wilkins). We outlined how Twig solves a great deal of these... Advanced Core Conversations
Rethinking render(); The Future of Drupal Theming. c4rl While training some newcomers to Drupal theming in 2011, I came across a big, big problem in Drupal: Theming is hard. Really hard. And even harder to teach. How did it get this way? Up through... Advanced Coding + Development
Reverse caching proxies: Varnish or Nginx? ThijsFeryn In a world full of scalability challenges, a reverse caching proxy has become an essential tool to protect your backend servers. This talk is dedicated to that and compares Varnish to Nginx as the 2... Intermediate DevOps
Running a Website - Patterns for Business Owners bshort You have invested time, effort, and money into a new website. The new site has been delivered, and you find yourself still left with a laundry list of tasks that you probably did not even consider.... Beginner Business + Strategy
