Proposed Sessions

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Session Speaker(s) Experience levelsort ascending Track
Relentless Preparation, Ruthless Benchmarking, and Performing Live Surgery: A Brief History of Wondrous Launches sukottokun Before you pull the switch and change the nameservers, there are three time-tested methods to determine how your site will perform: throwing chicken bones, reading sheep livers, or donning a beret... Intermediate Coding + Development
Mastering Drupal cache slashrsm Drupal has a built in Cache API, which allows module developers to save output of the expensive parts of code to be re-used in future. This not only makes code faster and more responsive, but will... Intermediate Coding + Development
Integrating FileMaker with Drupal: A Case Study derek.deraps, jamesrutherford UPDATE: Check out our Mediacurrent blog post on this topic, covering the first half of this session proposal. LOTS of non-technical folks love to use FileMaker; it's a cheap and intuitive... Intermediate Site Building
Integrating Drupal with Salesforce levelos As one of the most popular CRM solutions, many organizations either already use Salesforce or are looking to start using it. Being able to tightly integrate Salesforce with your Drupal site allows... Intermediate Coding + Development
Drupal M&A: Under the Covers jwalpole, wesku, Fred Plais, mcaccavano Come on. We know you want to ask. Bring your best questions to a panel of Drupal merger veterans (Phase2, Commerce Guys... Intermediate Business + Strategy
Manufacturing: Making the Case for Drupal e-Commerce joe.aimclear Today's manufacturers face many challenges in selecting and implementing web solutions. Enter Drupal. Based on our work over the past year we have identified a strong case for Drupal when deploying... Intermediate Business + Strategy
Standardized development with Vagrant and Puppet. kid_icarus In a time when distributed version control is the norm, a need arises for distributed development environments. This is especially true for growing teams, and growing projects. This session will... Intermediate DevOps
Demystifying the Panda: Strategies for Marketing Your Drupal Website no longer here 251296, mitchholt Over the last six months there has been a revolution in Search Engine Optimization. Google's newest algorithm has turned the Internet marketing world on its head. Luckily, Drupal is the best platform... Intermediate Business + Strategy
Location Based Apps - No Coding Required mdorman Just because you built your site before the mobile explosion does not mean you need to start from scratch, or you can't catch up to your competitors. Within a few extra days you can turn your current... Intermediate Site Building
Automated Testing in Drupal msonnabaum, xjm Automated testing saves time. Thorough test coverage prevents regressions, improves software design and stability, and allows code to be refactored with confidence. An automated test suite has been a... Intermediate Coding + Development
PowerUp Drupal Development with OpenShift Are you a Drupal Developer and want a quick and scalable infrastructure to try out your latest code patches? OpenShift is Red Hat's open source platform as a service that supports Drupal out of the... Intermediate Coding + Development
Angry Themer - still angry! mortendk A guide to surviving as a progressive Themer in the world of Drupal. Where backend and nested arrays is King and frontend is treated as something about colors, fontsize... Intermediate Frontend
Creating HTML5 Mobile Apps with Panopoly and the EXT JS library for Complex Enterprise Web Portals and Dashboards mcaudy The Panopoly distro takes the Panels functionality of Drupal 7 to a new level, with more than two dozen default layout templates to choose from, drag-and-drop layout editing, and much, much more. In... Intermediate Frontend
How to Theme for IE and Still Use the Latest Tricks bkrall With HTML5 and CSS3 came a stockpile of features to add to a themer's arsenal. And with that, there comes a great divide. It creates the haves and the have-not's of the web. For what it's worth... Intermediate Frontend
Using Drupal and Lean Methodology to Succeed in Business greggles, ajzz The Lean Startup is so popular it's becoming passe, but there are valuable lessons worth learning. Greg and Ajay will give you their first-hand perspective from several experiments inside We... Intermediate Business + Strategy
Making software management tools work for you jmertic With the advent of such rich open source tools such as GitHub, Travis CI, and others, managing software projects of any size has become much easier than ever. But how do you best use these tools in... Intermediate Coding + Development
Your DevOps Checklist emandel Developing, testing, and deploying and maintaining successful sites requires a lot of moving pieces to all smoothly work together. I will present a checklist to ensure your deployments work as... Intermediate DevOps
Security Secrets of Drupal nrambeck OK, so they aren't actually secrets, but they might as well be if you don't understand the security layer that Drupal provides. This session will cover most of the security features at the... Intermediate Coding + Development
Don’t Leave’em Hangin’ - Ensuring End-User Happiness Through Proper Training trentwyman Are you introducing Drupal to someone who has never worked with a content management system before? Have you just built a new Drupal site and ready to hand it off to a client? Or, do you have a... Intermediate Business + Strategy
Personalization: Spicing Up the Customer Experience krysgeek It’s time to kick personalization up a notch. Hot sauce won’t do the trick, but the ability to expose, transform, and record data will. Membership organizations integrate Drupal with their... Intermediate Site Building
