Proposed Sessions

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Marketing-Minded Design: Little Design Changes WILL Lead to Bigger Money mitchholt, no longer here 251296 Beauty doesn't earn bucks. The site you've created might look amazing but not serve its purpose to generate leads or sell units. How can you effectively modify the usability aspects of your... Intermediate User Experience (UX)
Enterprise Development in Drupal Gardens timaholt Ever wanted to develop sites in Drupal Gardens? Ever outgrown the limitations of the ThemeBuilder? Ever wanted to do responsive design in Gardens? This session will give you best practices in... Intermediate Frontend
On Beyond Mobile: Content-First Design axoplasm Instapaper. Readability. Pocket. Safari Reader. Just as we’re figuring out responsive and mobile-first design, content-scrapers step in and repurpose our design beyond the reach of @media queries.... Intermediate User Experience (UX)
Tricking Out Your Ride: Bringing the User Experience to Stock Drupal metaltoad The expectation for great administrative experiences continues to increase every day, but stock Drupal 7 is still the same experience it was when it launched a year and a half ago. What's a UX... Intermediate User Experience (UX)
Lowering barriers to upstream contribution: A simple git-subtree workflow for managing Drupal modules ezheidtmann Keeping track of the source history for a large Drupal site is hard. With core, contrib modules, themes, custom modules, and perhaps even a few patches to contrib modules, it quickly becomes... Intermediate DevOps
Content Personalization in Drupal jasonyarrington How does Netflix make suggestions about what I might like? How do ecommerce sites build blocks that say, people who viewed this also viewed this? How come the featured articles on my favorite news... Intermediate Business + Strategy
Managing your prospects, leads, and customers with SugarCRM and Drupal jmertic Drupal is a great platform for sharing content with your prospects, leads, and customers. But when it comes to managing them, for example keeping track of history, analyzing buying trends, or... Intermediate Business + Strategy
Coding beyond your problem and looking toward a solution for the Drupal community caiosba This session will show contributions to the Drupal community made by the speaker and the Meedan engineering team as a whole. Most of those contributions came along with the need to solve some problem... Intermediate Community
A Practical look at building CRM System in Drupal xcf33, pingers Drupal has been at the forefront of the open source CMS evolution. The next frontier of Constituent/Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is now possible with core Drupal components. A wide range of... Intermediate Site Building
Growing and Managing Drupal Organisations jannekalliola The success of any IT project, Drupal site development included, depends on the people. The key to success is hiring only good people, avoiding mediocrity, and growing the knowledge of the team with... Intermediate Business + Strategy
Best Practices to Transform Your Online Publication and Engage Your Community no longer here 1018034, bnthms88 Just having a PDF version of your print publication on your website does not mean that your publication is easily readable – or even found – online. For many government, nonprofit and education-based... Intermediate Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Hi My Name Is Average Joe meltonml Learn how to deal with the challenges of designing and building a website for site editors with no design or web building experience. As a CMS, Drupal offers a significant number of benefits. A... Intermediate Site Building Building a Sustainable Drupal Platform azinck, dcmouyard, kthell You have to get dirty when cleaning up hazardous waste. From initial RFP thru site-build, we examine the challenges of using Drupal to bring EPA’s sprawling legacy sites into the modern age... Intermediate Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Make Drupal fly with smart configurations and caching. ricardoamaro Drupal can be the ROCK STAR of speed and performance if well configured and hosted properly! If your Drupal site is acting slow, this session is for you. Discover the best performance practices... Intermediate Coding + Development
“Liberate Your Information” - Revolutionizing the Library Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) with Drupal krlucas Libraries--academic, corporate and public alike--are at a crossroads. As early adopters of technology, they now find themselves saddled with monolithic legacy systems that don’t provide the UX,... Intermediate Site Building
Data, data everywhere: content consumption strategies using Nutch and Solr data import handler dstuart Nutch is an open web crawler that lets you do fine grained or Internet wide web crawling. In this session I will introduce you to the Drupal Nutch module, which will help with the setup and control... Intermediate Site Building
Panels for Themers - Creating Highly Flexible Layouts davidneedham With the power of Panels, you never have to make a .tpl file ever again! Okay, that's not true entirely, but what Panels does give you is the ability you to create Drupal aware layouts that can be... Intermediate Frontend
Relaunching The New Republic with Drupal 7 xmattus, joshk, netaustin The New Republic launched their new Drupal 7 site on January 28th, 2013 with an exclusive interview of President Obama, and was featured in the New York Times, Huffington Post, and ABC News and... Intermediate Coding + Development
Reinvent Yourself! How a rebrand can revitalize more than just your logo. mcaccavano What's in a name? Or a logo? Well, as it turns out, a lot. In the past year, our team has been part of a merger, and subsequently, a complete brand overhaul for our newly merged company. On the... Intermediate Business + Strategy
Too Much and Never Enough: What is the Content Curation Cure for Drupal? mhackner Why is Pandora the most popular way to listen to music online, and the number one competitor to NPR? Because it can guess what you want, when you want it, using information you and the broader... Intermediate User Experience (UX)
