Proposed Sessions

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Session Speaker(s) Experience level Track
Why does no-one update their Drupal site? steveburge More than three-quarters of Drupal sites are out-of-date according to Drupal's own official statistics: At the time of writing, 590,114 sites use Drupal 7... Beginner User Experience (UX)
Session Title beejeebus Description Intermediate DevOps
Applied agile for Drupal projects wesku Over 15 years of software project experience, 100s of large projects, tens of large failures, millions of small failures, hundreds of big successes. I have been both selling and buying software... Beginner Business + Strategy
Drupal for Publishers: How to build a better newsroom CMS kbasarab Drupal is all about content management, which makes it perfect for all sorts of media outlets. But those outlets, whether newspaper, television, or magazine, have specific needs that need to be... Intermediate Site Building
On Beyond Mobile: Content-First Design axoplasm Instapaper. Readability. Pocket. Safari Reader. Just as we’re figuring out responsive and mobile-first design, content-scrapers step in and repurpose our design beyond the reach of @media queries.... Intermediate User Experience (UX)
Pains and Gains of PHP Upgrades lornajane What version of PHP are you running? PHP 5.3? PHP 5.4? PHP 5.2? Most of us lag behind the "new shiny", but at some point you'll face both the pain of the upgrade migration and the joy of the new... Beginner Coding + Development
Five Tools For Better PHP Development lornajane Drupal has some great tools, and your process already includes drush, so what else is out there? This talk comes to you from the mainstream PHP community, covering the tools that help the speed and... Beginner DevOps
Front End Wizardry - What Does a Responsive Workflow Look Like? davidleininger It’s not just Responsive any more. We’ve got Retina, Icon Fonts, and plenty of other new dilemmas to deal with. We’ll chat about tools and apps that can help make your workflow faster and easier when... Intermediate Frontend
Lies about the job market: How to apply for jobs in the 21st century cecycorrea Obviously, if you're reading this, you probably already have a job in the tech industry. But how do you get the job you want? Sometimes it seems the odds are stacked against you: there are... Beginner Business + Strategy
From PHP to Drupal: A Developer's saga to tame the Drupal Learning Curve megensel Almost two years ago I started the journey to become a Drupal Developer. Starting with five years of PHP development experience I thought my journey might be easier than most. What I found was the... Beginner Coding + Development
The Fight Against Divitis dcmouyard Are you a semantic HTML purist that cringes when you view the source of a Drupal site? Are you a hard-core performance ninja that wants to optimize the DOM? Do you love the power and flexibility of... Advanced Frontend
Workbench Case Study: A policy of truth thebruce Workbench is a suite of workflow tools with moderation and access designed by very bright people for smart workflows. However, in the trenches we all know things can be tricky and given a host of... Intermediate Coding + Development
Drupal is going to take you higher (ed): Seven Case Studies from Higher Education thebruce In this session we’ll take a look at 7 unique higher education case studies showcasing the diversity of Drupal solutions in the .edu space. We spoke with university IT implementers across the country... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
The first-class "Page" of Drupal 8 sdboyer Drupal, with its love of alters, has always had a pretty malleable model of just what makes up the HTML on any given "page." Modules are free to hook in just about anywhere to add and modify what's... Intermediate Coding + Development
Dynamizing menu elements with Menu token develCuy, dealancer "Menu token" module is currently known to be installed in more than 7k sites, and growing fast! it provides tokens that could be used in title or in path of menu items (links). For example, if you... Intermediate Site Building
So... you want to present at DrupalCon? floretan If you're reading this you're probably one of those attendees who gets super excited by the energy of DrupalCon, and you can't wait to have your turn to get on the stage and share your knowledge and... Beginner Community
Advanced Frontend Performance rupl As HTML5 apps become the norm and mobile context dominates over desktop, the importance of frontend performance is exploding. We want websites to do cool new things, but more importantly they must... Advanced Frontend
Laying it all out with Panels, Display Suite, Views and Context chrisshattuck Laying out content in a Drupal site is one of the most essential skills of a Drupal site builder. In this session, we're going to talk about some of critical tools for laying out content in Drupal,... Intermediate Site Building
Rethinking render(); The Future of Drupal Theming. c4rl While training some newcomers to Drupal theming in 2011, I came across a big, big problem in Drupal: Theming is hard. Really hard. And even harder to teach. How did it get this way? Up through... Advanced Coding + Development
Let's Talk About PCI Compliance for Drupal rickmanelius Drupal makes it incredibly easy to turn even the simplest website into a full fledged commerce solution. All you have to do is download a few modules, check a few boxes, and you’re up and running in... Beginner Business + Strategy
