Proposed Sessions

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Quick & Dirty Guide to Drush and Devel rlnorthcutt Alot of developers use devel (to clear the cache on their sites) and drush (to clear the cache on their sites), but these tools are amazingly handy in all kinds of ways. The problem is that lots of... Beginner Coding + Development
DrupalGap - A Mobile Application Development Kit for Drupal tyler.frankenstein This session is a jump-start guide on building a multi-platform mobile application that integrates with a Drupal website. The DrupalGap mobile application development kit leverages PhoneGap,... Intermediate Coding + Development Drupal for dev-teams — Everything in code™ & multiple deploy-targets Rolf van de Krol With Kraftwagen we enable Drupal for large (distributed) development teams and staged deployments. It brings the following virtues to a Drupal project: Everything in code™ (under the version... Intermediate Coding + Development
Introduction to Module Development ezra-g This thoroughly-honed session provides a fun introduction for people who want to get started writing their first module or extending an existing one. The presentation is both conceptual and hands-on... Beginner Coding + Development
Media, StreamWrappers and You - Powering a rich video experience through Drupal using thePlatform bshort, mikedikan, aaronschachter Rich media has long been an area of confusion and frustration for any web publisher wishing to display rich media content to users in Drupal. Further, in order to achieve this online rich media... Beginner Coding + Development
Drupal gets its App Store GuGuss, bojanz Drupal Commerce merchants now have the power of building and extending their Drupal site without any technical knowledge whatsoever. They can browse a Marketplace, choose the modules and services... Intermediate Coding + Development
Caching and Tuning fun for high scalability wimg Caching has been a 'hot' topic for a few years. But caching takes more than merely taking data and putting it in a cache : the right caching techniques can improve performance and reduce load... Beginner Coding + Development
Drupal analogies for Android glennpratt For more and more Drupal sites the job can’t stop at HTML. Android is one of the most popular mobile platforms that your customers may use. It has an extensive, powerful and somewhat daunting API... Advanced Coding + Development
Building an API (that people will actually use) theneonlobster, grasmash Learn why and how to expose your Drupal installation’s data and functionality via an API, and entice developers to extend your application’s reach through supportive documentation, implementation... Intermediate Coding + Development
Caching Without Fear tekante, Steven Merrill Caching is a typical performance boosting strategy but as Phil Karlton said, “There are only two hard problems in Computer Science: cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.” Managing... Intermediate Coding + Development
Mapping with Drupal wwhurley Displaying data with a map can help people understand how it all fits together and how it can directly impact them and where they live. Learn about the open source tools that can make your data come... Intermediate Coding + Development
New MySQL 5.6 Features and how to exploit them for Drupal davidstokes MySQL 5.6, the heart of most Drupal sites, has many new features that can greatly enhance the speed of your Drupal site. Come to this session to learn how to exploit the new features and... Intermediate Coding + Development
Walking in a straight line: Code quality tools and processes kim.pepper As everyone who works with Drupal knows, there is more than one way to write a module. Different developers do things in different ways. When you are working with a team of developers, these... Advanced Coding + Development
The Importance of the Drupal Cache luisr This presentation will focus on the importance of the Drupal Cache for Drupal development. Discussion will include an overview of available options to improve Drupal performance, including utilizing... Intermediate Coding + Development
Make Publishing Rock! How developers can take advantage of existing useability modules to make Content editors happy. mirzu As developers its easy to forget about the site admin/content editor experience. We work hard to make the site features, and spend lots of time on the end user experience, but more often than not we... Intermediate Coding + Development
Drupal, Composer and the Symfony Components: A wonderful world for all of us weaverryan Huh? Drupal and Symfony at the same conference? Teamwork and hugs between these two groups are wonderful, but even more important is the shift in the entire PHP community from a mentality of "Not... Intermediate Coding + Development
Workbench Case Study: A policy of truth thebruce Workbench is a suite of workflow tools with moderation and access designed by very bright people for smart workflows. However, in the trenches we all know things can be tricky and given a host of... Intermediate Coding + Development
REST Best Practices caseysoftware Stateless.. Nouns... Intermediate Coding + Development
Introduction to Module Development vordude Chances are, "There's a module for that." But what if there isn't? Or, (more likely) what if you just need a small piece of functionality on your Drupal site to act differently? This session is... Beginner Coding + Development
Web Apps with Drupal wwhurley, setvik Recent proliferation of smartphones and tablet devices is due at least in part to the advent of apps, which customize and streamline user experience in a variety of usage scenarios. Today, hundreds... Intermediate Coding + Development
