Proposed Sessions

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Migrating the Library studiozut We'd like to present on our experience migrating a high traffic higher ed site (GW Libraries) to Drupal. We'll discuss planning, user testing, module selection, and cat herding with a strong emphasis... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Association management with RedHen CRM seanberto, levelos While the Drupal contrib module space presents a wide range of options for managing access control and groups of individual site users, contributed tools for building "assocation management systems"... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Drupal is going to take you higher (ed): Seven Case Studies from Higher Education thebruce In this session we’ll take a look at 7 unique higher education case studies showcasing the diversity of Drupal solutions in the .edu space. We spoke with university IT implementers across the country... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
How we built a responsive, robust, state-wide news destination in 10 business days mtift, lzimmerman In 2011, the Wisconsin protests attracted international attention. Spikes in traffic took Wisconsin Public Radio's aging website down numerous times -- at one point for more than 48 hours. Shortly... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Build a great nonprofit site in a week with Open Outreach nedjo Do nonprofits need to spend tens of thousands of dollars and months of custom development to get the basics they need in a website? Not any more. Find out how to use the Open Outreach... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Drupal's Role in the Open Government Movement djeannot Government sectors are being pressured to become more transparent and communicate government activity to the public. With the leading open source technologies from Drupal and Alfresco, more... Advanced Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Tutoring@Colorado State University: Connecting students with opportunities for ongoing learning JimFolk Tutoring services on university campuses play an important role in increasing student retention rates and improving overall academic success. Despite this significance, tutoring on university... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Moving a mountain: A university evolution story rcross Sometimes there are projects that are daunting and would ordinarily seem a little too big, or too difficult to tackle. Sometimes it feels like that pile of dirt in front of you is a mountain, and the... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Transforming Yalesites: The Inside and Out of Yale University's Drupal Service vinmassaro, nflowers1228 Yale University has recently transformed the YaleSites service by upgrading the platform from Drupal 6 to 7 and providing additional features to make building a site on the University campus easier.... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
How Drupal is Bringing Value to Academia Research jyee, irinaz Drupal is becoming a powerful research tool that relieves faculty and researchers from working on creating and managing databases and user interface tools and allows them to focus on actual research... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Accessibility Demystified: 3 Accessibility Myths and Why They're So So, So Very Wrong cmcnally Do you find yourself in a noisy sports bar thankful for closed captioning on TVs? Or easily tabbing through online "contact us" forms? Did you realize that these "features" are designed for... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Need a Drupal website? Wait! Have you gone through a discovery process? seanberto, bheckman Website redesigns can be overwhelming - from selecting a vendor, to budgeting, to managing implementation, to training, to launching and maintaining a new site.... It's easy to dive into the... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Drupal, Solr, and When Governments Collaborate to Reduce Landfill Waste notoriousjlb, capellic Learn how 5 San Francisco Bay area government agencies came together to launch a Drupal 7 and Solr Search powered search tool for residents and businesses to learn how to correctly dispose of things... Intermediate Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Making sense of policy: A case study of Stanford University's research policy website Adam Snetman, furiouslymandy, Suzy Bates Throughout much of 2012, Four Kitchens in Austin and Thinkso in NYC collaborated on a complete redesign of the website for the Office of the Dean of Research at Stanford University, one of the... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Re-imagining libraries on the web: a case study of the Stanford University Libraries website redesign snydman, mksweet Drupal has become the web platform of choice in academia, and in particular for research libraries. The role of libraries has been evolving rapidly in this era of information ubiquity, and their... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Building a Higher Education Drupal Community jkealy, zchandler UCSF has begun moving towards Drupal as a Campus wide CMS via a grassroots movement. We've pioneered an "all carrot" approach to community building by subsidizing Drupal hosting from Central IT and... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Controlling our destiny: open source as a university strategy loisbrooks Universities are challenged to keep pace with technology innovation across the spectrum of education and research activities, yet must aggressively manage costs even while constantly providing more... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
How Drupal will Help Millions of New Yorkers Get There on Time rgs The NYC MTA recently announced the availability of Real Time Data Feeds for developers at Learn how this custom API portal was built on Drupal 7 to support millions of daily... Intermediate Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Bridging the Gap between Gov & Open Source bryanhirsch, jesrichmond, bendygirl With nearly 24% of .gov sites utilizing Drupal, the government has seen the power of open-source. However, use of Drupal and other open-source and/or free tools can still be a challenge from a... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Building a 21st Century Democracy -- Drupal & the Digital Government Strategy AaronPava Drupal has seen massive adoption across the entire federal government and is well-placed to be the leading open source content management system solution for federal agencies. In this session, we’ll... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
