Accepted Sessions

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Sessionsort descending Speaker(s) Experience level Track
REST for Web Developers lornajane Click here to watch REST for Web Developers. REST is a term filled with hype and promise, but is it anything more than JSON and pretty URLs? This session tells you everything you need to know... Beginner Coding + Development
Rules without the UI dwkitchen Click here to watch Rules without the UI. Following the theme of the track this session will show you how to use the full power of the Rules module without the UI. Presented by David Kitchen,... Intermediate Coding + Development
Running coaches wanted! Contribution sprints and trainings ZenDoodles, xjm, add1sun, YesCT Click here to watch Running coaches wanted! Contribution sprints and trainings. A sprint is a get-together for focused work on a project. Sprints are an important part of Drupal's growth, and... Intermediate Community
SaaS, Drupal Services and OAuth develCuy Click here to watch SaaS, Drupal Services and OAuth. "Software as a Service" (SaaS), is still not famous but very powerful feature of Services module for Drupal 7, and a key component of the... Intermediate Coding + Development
Sass - OO'S'CSS w/Extends and Silent Placeholders dale.sande Click here to watch Sass - OO'S'CSS w/Extends and Silent Placeholders. One of the frustrations of OOCSS concepts is the amount of presentational classes that need to be created and the method of... Intermediate Frontend
Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS snookca Click here to watch Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS. CSS is easy? CSS is messy! And as a project grows, it only gets messier. You find yourself throwing !important at everything or... Intermediate Frontend
Secrets to Awesomizing® Your Editor’s Back-end Drupal Experience mherchel Click here to watch Secrets to Awesomizing® Your Editor’s Back-end Drupal Experience. Show your content editors some love- Drupal style! In this session I’ll walk the intermediate site-builder... Intermediate User Experience (UX)
Should Have Made a Left Turn at Albuquerque: Building Maps in Drupal Brandonian, phayes, dasjo, Pol, tnightingale, mistcat, RdeBoer Click here to watch Should Have Made a Left Turn at Albuquerque: Building Maps in Drupal. Online mapping has experienced a renaissance in recent years due to the efforts of OpenStreetMap, MapBox... Intermediate Site Building
So Happy Together (Content Strategists and Project Managers are) jakedimare Click here to watch So Happy Together (Content Strategists and Project Managers are). One theme I keep coming back to as a project manager building open source content management systems for... Intermediate Business + Strategy A Study in Public Information jorie.porter Click here to watch A Study in Public Information. was developed as a special information tool for the USDA's Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program. It... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Status of the new Entity API and Typed Data Berdir, fago Click here to watch Status of the new Entity API and Typed Data. Drupal 8 comes with a shiny new Entity Field API (codename: EntityNG) based upon the underlying Typed Data API. However, we have... Advanced Core Conversations
TAP into museums cangeceiro Click here to watch TAP into museums. TAP is a collection of free and open-source tools which support the creation and delivery of mobile tours. The tools also serve as examples of producing and... Beginner Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Testing your Drupal infrastructure bjaspan Click here to watch Testing your Drupal infrastructure. Your Drupal site is not a stand-alone application. It relies on a number of other components to function: the operating system, web server... Beginner DevOps
The Authenticity Advantage – Create loyalty in an increasingly distrustful world Jason Swain and Associates, Kevin Sanders Click here to watch The Authenticity Advantage – Create loyalty in an increasingly distrustful world. In our hyper-connected world, trust is the new currency – much more important than the... Beginner Business + Strategy
The Future of Views tim.plunkett Drupalcon Portland 2013: Future of Views Click here to listen to The Future of Views. Views is used by 70% of all reported Drupal sites. Now that the Views module is included in Drupal 8... Intermediate Site Building
The Joy of Cooking - Whip up a Drupal Environment with Chef nathenharvey Click here to watch The Joy of Cooking - Whip up a Drupal Environment with Chef. You've heard of Chef, Puppet, and other frameworks that can help you build out your infrastructure. You've been... Intermediate DevOps
The Old and New Field API in Drupal 8 swentel, fago, yched Click here to watch The Old and New Field API in Drupal 8. Drupal 8 has (and is still being) changed significantly under the hood. Field API also got a big overhaul. In this session we'll... Intermediate Coding + Development
The wonders of Drupal robertDouglass, horncologne Click here to watch The wonders of Drupal. Using music, storytelling, awful jokes, and a bevy of special guests, Robert and jam dole out solid practical advice about Drupal, DrupalCon, and... Beginner Community
The Zen of HTML Prototyping & Designing in the Browser joshriggs Click here to watch The Zen of HTML Prototyping... Intermediate Frontend
Theming for Site Builders - Getting Started The Drupal Way davidneedham Click here to watch Theming for Site Builders - Getting Started The Drupal Way. Do you enjoy building your Drupal site but dread the long and tedious theming process? You will be happy to learn... Intermediate Site Building


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